What are the most common complaints from people who resort to itDiet? The most common thing you'll hear is: "As soon as I got off the diet, all the pounds I lost came back. "
We can easily make a list of unsuccessful diets that tell us slight weight loss while sleeping. Diets high in protein, carbohydrates and a carbohydrate-free diet. You want to lose weight, but the end result is the same. You are overweight again and facing the same problem again. How can we avoid this vicious circle? If we are determined to control our weight, then how do we know we will be successful this time?
The solution to the problem is the presence of protein in the diet. Without it, you will not lose fat, but muscle mass. And the lost weight will come back at the end of the diet.
To lose weight and stay fit, we need to consume stronger protein structures called amino acids. In fact, a protein is a long chain of amino acids. Through the digestive system, the body breaks this chain down into individual amino acids in order to absorb them into the blood. During this long process, the body works hard to digest. Protein helps satisfy hunger and gives strength to muscles. Thus, the metabolism does not slow down. But most protein foods are high in fat. It seems advisable to find foods high in protein and low in saturated fat for a consistent weight loss effect. We want to supply the body with all the essential amino acids without overloading the digestive system and without putting additional strain on the body.
Of all the weight loss diets currently available, a protein diet is the most effective. The result will not be long in coming, especially if you combine a diet with weight training. Therefore, it is ideal not only for women but also for men.
Essentially, a protein diet for weight loss is about only finding foods that are high in protein, with no or low in fat and carbohydrates in the diet. The fundamental difference between a protein diet is the restriction on foods that are converted to fat during digestion. Ideally, it should contain only pure protein, which is necessary for muscle nutrition.
These products are:
- Diet meat of chicken, veal, rabbit meat.
- Skimmed milk (alternatively skimmed milk, but contains more carbohydrates than protein).
- Protein.
- White meat sea fish, as well as pink salmon, tuna, salmon.
- Low fat cheese.
Who Is the Protein Weight Loss Diet For?

A diet that includes consumption of pure protein is indicated for young people with an active lifestyle. In old age, on the other hand, due to the properties of the body, people in old age cannot tolerate this without health consequences such as the possible appearance of blood clots and an increase in blood clotting. Therefore, it is better for them to refuse.
However, not all young people can try the diet themselves, and the circle of faces is also limited. A protein diet is suitable for those who love meat, but at the same time it can limit themselves to sweets for the duration of the diet. Meat eaters are mostly men, but some women, although their percentage is much lower, cannot live without meat either.
The diet is ideal for athletes and bodybuilders with an active lifestyle. In order to achieve new victories in the area they have chosen, they need muscle mass. However, because physical exercise takes a long time to achieve, a protein diet will help you get the result you want in a matter of days.
The protein diet is of course suitable for overweight people, as it is a diet from the "weight loss" category. A common belief in the positivity of this diet is to maintain the weight of the dandruff without exerting yourself.
Those pregnant women who - and most of them - gain several noticeable grams each day, adding up to nearly one more kilogram at the end of each week, can also use the diet. It helps normalize weight gain while not having any negative effects on the health of the pregnant woman herself and the developing fetus.
An exception to the list of people recommended on a protein diet for weight loss is those with a sweet tooth. This is due to the fact that even with complete adherence to the diet, such a person will be able to stay away from sweets for a certain number of days, is unlikely to change in the future, and will resume consumption of foods with onehigh sugar content and this is fraught with not only a return to previous weight but also a number of new pounds.
As mentioned above, the elderly cannot use a protein diet. Very obese people and people with digestive disorders (colitis, chronic pancreatitis, irritable bowel syndrome, dysbiosis) and people with kidney dysfunction are included on their list.
Pros and cons of a protein diet

In the minds of the majority, a certain opinion about diets has been deposited, which boils down to the fact that following a diet means losing weight, which is visually noticeable after the start. It is this rapid pace of weight loss that is the main benefit of the protein diet, which is what makes it very popular indeed.
It is also important that all the pounds lost should come back much longer, but here you should take into account the lifestyle that follows the diet and the attitude towards what is on the table each day from the perspective of a healthy diet.
The third benefit of a protein diet is the ability to eat a wide variety of foods. The food is varied and therefore a person who leaves the table will not immediately have a desire to eat something else.
The duration of the diet is limited to two weeks and cannot be repeated more than once a year.
A major disadvantage of the protein diet is its imbalance. And this means that the intake of predominantly one protein into the body is fraught with the deprivation of calcium and trace elements, the necessary material on which the health of the entire skeletal system is maintained. Physically, this leads to increased bone fragility, cracks in the nails and a loss of healthy hair strength, as a result of which the hair becomes dull and noticeably weakened.
In addition, the kidneys take on a heavy burden. Their work becomes more active, the body begins to lose fluids faster, and this is dehydration, in which a person physically feels the loss of vitality and apathy.
Protein diet menu and table
Cooking food according to the protein diet is recommended by boiling or baking. A water bath, oven, grill are ideal for this. Salads shouldn't contain a lot of sauce or salt, mayonnaise and vinegar are not allowed at all. Whenever possible, vegetable oil from sunflower seeds is replaced with olive oil, and its consumption should be limited to a maximum of 4 tablespoons per day, butter is excluded altogether.
Egg white is eaten boiled or baked, it can be salted and seasoned.
The protein diet table contains the following menu:
Protein diet days | breakfast | dinner | dinner |
day 1 | 150 g boiled beef, 100 g sauerkraut with green peas, a cup of green tea | 150 g boiled beef, 1 slice of black bread, 100 g coleslaw, paprika and vegetables | 150 g boiled fish, 2 boiled potatoes, 100 g boiled beetroot salad with sour cream |
day 2 | 100 g boiled beef, 100 g freshly grated carrots with mayonnaise, a cup of green tea | 200 gr. boiled fish, 1 apple. 1 TBSP. Apple juice | 100 g cooked fish, 100 g lettuce, 1 slice of black bread |
Day 3 | 100 g boiled pork, 1 apple, a cup of green tea | 200 gr. Cooked beans, 200 gr. Raw vegetables | 150 g cooked lean pork, 150 g sauerkraut with peas |
Day 4 | 100 g of lean cottage cheese, a cup of green tea, or natural coffee | 150 steamed beef with carrots, 150 g vegetable salad | 150 g thinly sliced tomatoes and onions with vegetable oil |
Day 5 | 1 TBSP. Kefir, 2 pcs. Diet biscuits | 200 gr. Boiled fish, 100 gr. Chopped tomatoes with vegetable oil | 200 g. Low-fat pork, 1 apple, 1 tbsp. Apple juice |
Day 6 | 150 g of lean cottage cheese, a cup of green tea or natural coffee | 100 g boiled beans, 100 g freshly grated carrots with mayonnaise | 150 g cooked fish, 100 g vinaigrette |
Day 7 | 1 TBSP. Milk, 2 pieces of lean biscuits | 200 g cooked lamb, 100 g vegetable salad | Soup cooked in meat broth with vegetables, 100 gr. Lean lamb, 1 slice of black bread |

It is ideal if you strictly adhere to the above menu throughout the diet. However, there are no major problems if the products are consumed in a slightly different combination and with a small time difference. In any case, it should be noted that the daily intake of food should take place on average 7 - 8 times a little instead of the usual three, but in large quantities.
From the protein diet table above, it can be seen that baked goods are almost completely excluded from the menu. This is due to the fact that flour products only contribute to the formation of extra pounds, but they are not necessary for the body. Some nutritionists share this opinion. Others, on the contrary, are sure that eating small portions of bread can not disrupt diet, on the contrary, boiled cereals, fresh (but not pickled! ) Vegetables and herbs can be added. Again, the main thing is not to overdo it, and for this you need to know the exact list of foods, most of which contain only one protein.
There are several options for a protein diet, and one of them is 3 meals a day. In this case, the menu is not more varied, as an hour or two after a meal is followed by an additional breakfast or lunch. Dinner is an exception: it shouldn't take place after 6 p. m. , but if you feel hungry in the evening, you can cloud it with a cup of green mint tea.
To avoid excessive dehydration of the body, you can drink a glass of normal drinking or mineral water 15 minutes before breakfast, lunch and dinner.
It should also be noted that the total number of calories consumed in a day should not be less than 1200 - this is the minimum required to maintain the health of the body.
Before starting a protein diet, there are a few very important factors to consider:

- When following a certain diet, it is advisable not to allow indulgences or various types of deviations. It is advisable that the daily meal take place at a well-established time, especially at dinner. Eating too late is not beneficial and the body has to work hard instead of resting.
- The recipe table, which is always in front of your eyes, will not let you forget the ration prepared for 2 weeks.
- The successful result directly depends on the amount of liquid consumed: it should be at least one and a half liters per day.
- The main purpose of the protein diet is given to active people, so that exercise and exercise not only do not interfere, but, on the contrary, help achieve excellent results.
- Few people manage to combine work and nutrition. Therefore, it is best to stick to what can rightly be a vacation or a vacation in your spare time.
It is known that the most difficult days in overcoming hunger are the days from the third to the fifth, the last two days. At this point in time the body, which has been deprived of external support, begins to activate its power, and fat deposits go over to "feeding". It is possible to overcome this time by letting yourself be distracted by foreign worries and interests. As a result, however, an excellent result is guaranteed and the feeling that the willpower that leads to an undoubted victory is there and strong.