A mono diet is one of the easiest ways to lose those extra pounds. It is about a severe restriction in diet. The menu is based on one or more products only. How a person tolerates a diet largely depends on its duration, as well as the strict observance of all conditions.
The essence of the simplest diets
Most women would like to shed a few extra pounds. However, in order to lose weight, you need to make certain efforts: exercise in the gym, and also avoid the use of sweets, flour and fatty foods. Hence there are a million excuses: either there is no time, then there is not enough money to adhere to the right diet, then there are still some "insurmountable barriers". A mono diet for such women is a real lifeline. Finally, you can choose a product that suits your taste, does not weigh on the budget and, as a rule, can be used in unlimited quantities.
Mono diets often allow you to lose weight without going to the gym. The essence of such food systems is very simple: when a person eats the same product, the body loses a lot of nutrients. Plus, he can just stop completely assimilating them. So it is quite logical that the extra pounds will begin to "melt away".
Of course, not a single advertisement promoting mono-diets will suggest that such a food system is dangerous as it disrupts normal metabolism in the body. The human digestive system is programmed by nature itself to digest and ingest a wide variety of foods. To do this, the organs of the digestive tract secrete a large amount of enzymes that are necessary to maintain a normal life. When a person eats monotonous foods every day, most of the enzymes remain "unemployed". Therefore, long-term adherence to a one-component diet leads to exhaustion of the endocrine glands, and food intake is no longer absorbed at all.
The right approach to simple diets
Every diet is a real stress for the body, this statement is especially true for mono diets. In order not to harm your own health, you need to adhere to the following rules:
- Temperance in time. . . A proper mono diet shouldn't last longer than 4-7 days. If a person eats the same product throughout the day, it is not a mono diet, but a day of fasting.
- Moderation of the amount of food consumed. . . If the description of the diet does not specify exactly how large the serving should be, it does not mean that you can overeat. For example, you should not drink more than 2 liters of kefir per day, eat more than 1. 5 kg of fruit or more than 6 servings of porridge per day.
- Quality food. . . Using smoked sausage, cake or cheese as a staple food does not bring the desired result, but it is really possible to undermine their health. The best choices for a mono diet are low-fat meats, grains, vegetables, or fruits.
How to get on and off these diets
In order not to harm your own health, you need to correctly enter the diet. 2-3 days before the start, you need to limit yourself to the amount of food eaten. On the eve of the upcoming unloading, it is strictly forbidden to overeat, especially in the evening. It is good to go to bed without dinner.
The danger of mono diets
Doctors are cautious and especially careful with all mono diets. Getting too carried away can cause irreparable damage to your health. Sometimes we even talk about the threat to human life.
- rice. . . If you eat a lot of rice, the bile threatens to thicken. This is dangerous due to the development of inflammation of the gallbladder (cholecystitis) and the formation of stones in it. Rice is unable to meet the body's protein needs. As a result, the level of hemoglobin in the blood begins to decrease sharply, which leads to the development of anemia. Rice contains few vitamins, so even taking vitamin and mineral complexes cannot make up for their deficiency. In addition, almost all vitamin supplements tend to stimulate the appetite, which means that you will not be able to lose weight.
- kefir. . . Kefir contains almost no carbohydrates. Their deficiency affects the work of the brain, damages the central nervous system. Using kefir in large quantities leads to intestinal disorders. A person is threatened with persistent diarrhea or no less persistent constipation.
- cottage cheese. . . While cottage cheese can be called one of the "ideal" products for a mono diet, don't get carried away. When you eat too much cottage cheese, the body begins to suffer from an excess of protein. This in turn threatens to impair calcium absorption. Cottage cheese diets are especially dangerous for people with diseases of the digestive system and kidneys.
- garnet. . . Pomegranate juice is definitely a very healthy drink. However, if you only drink it all day, the risk of developing kidney stones increases to 48%. In addition, both the gallbladder and the bladder are attacked.
- carrot. . . The abuse of carrots threatens the development of "carrot jaundice", which has spots on the skin of a characteristic color. In addition, the danger is less a cosmetic defect than a violation of the liver function that caused it.
- Apples. . . Apples are high in carbohydrates. Abuse of this fruit negatively affects the functioning of the entire endocrine system, which leads to disruption of the menstrual cycle. It can even be terminated. In addition, the apple diet involves a complete rejection of protein foods that threaten to deplete muscle tissue. And apples also have an aggressive effect on the lining of the stomach, especially sour varieties.
- Raw vegetables. . . A purely plant-based diet is a heavy blow to the liver and pancreas, especially if there are irregularities in their work. In addition, large servings of raw vegetables inevitably lead to intestinal disorders.
- Bananas. . . Bananas consumed in large quantities can cause constipation. As a result, any toxins excreted in the intestines are absorbed into the bloodstream. In addition, bananas are a source of glucose. Hence, a banana mono diet is a real chance to raise your blood sugar levels and even provoke the development of diabetes.
The Easiest Kefir Diet
There are 2 options for the kefir mono diet:
- During the day, you need to drink 1. 5 liters of kefir and divide this volume into 6 servings.
- It is also allowed to eat 1 kg of fresh fruit or vegetables per day.
- Coffee and tea should be avoided on this day.
- The maximum duration of the kefir mono diet is 3 days.
- The next time you can resort to such a mono diet no earlier than a month later.
In 3 days you usually manage to lose 2 kg.
It should be borne in mind that a kefir diet can cause diarrhea. If it goes away on its own in a healthy person, people with gastrointestinal disorders can cause serious damage to their health.
Contraindications to the kefir diet are:
- Increased acidity of gastric juice.
- Chronic gastritis.
- Ulcers of the stomach and duodenum.
- Teenage years.
- Pregnancy.
- Breastfeeding.
The simplest milk diet
In the milk mono diet, 1 liter of milk is used throughout the day, which is divided into 7 receptions. 500 g per 1 kg can be lost in one day. Depending on the individual characteristics of the organism, the numbers can vary.
It is strongly recommended not to adhere to the milk mono diet for more than 3 days. One hundred percent health and great willpower are required in order for the body to withstand such stress.
Contraindications for adhering to the milk diet are:
- Individual intolerance to milk and dairy products.
- Anacid enterocolitis and other digestive system diseases that require the rejection of dairy products.
- Postponed surgical interventions on the internal organs of the digestive system.
- Skin disorders.
- The presence of other contraindications to eating monotonous foods.
The simplest rice diet
The rice diet has its roots in oriental medicine. Previously, this diet was recommended to adhere to all people suffering from heart pain and to cleanse the intestines of toxins. In addition, weight loss was just a pleasant addition to the health of the entire body. Now the rice mono diet is practiced with the goal of losing weight, but it still allows you to cleanse the body.
The diet can last up to 10 days. Brown rice or cooked rice is used as the main food. During this time, 2-6 kg excess weight can be removed.
To keep yourself supplied with food throughout the day, you need to take a glass of rice and cook it until completely cooked. The resulting volume of porridge is divided into small portions and consumed throughout the day. In addition to rice, mineral water and green tea can also be drunk. You can season the rice with olive oil and a little salt (you need to use sea salt). If the diet lasts 7-10 days, then you can supplement your diet with vegetables, apples, kefir.
Contraindications to using the rice diet:
- Weak immune defense.
- Digestive system disorders, particularly gastritis and stomach ulcers.
- The presence of tumors.
- Any inflammatory process in the body.
- Metabolic disorders.
- Pregnancy and breast feeding period.
Herbal mono diets
Nutritionists consider the plant-based diet to be one of the most beneficial weight loss techniques. Even if you stick to it for a month, it will not harm your health, it will only benefit your health. During this period, you can strengthen the cardiovascular system, regulate the work of the digestive system. A plant-based diet is recommended for people with severe obesity as it promotes weight loss quickly and safely. It can also be practiced to prevent weight gain. You can lose about 6 pounds of fat with a plant-based diet.
The menu assumes that raw and cooked vegetables are eaten, but not more than 1. 5 kg per day. You can also alternate the diet with vegetable soups. Vegetables that have not undergone heat treatment contain more vitamins and minerals that are necessary for the body. During the diet, it is allowed to eat celery, cucumber, tomatoes, asparagus, green beans, peppers, pumpkin, carrots, vegetables, green peas and onions. Potatoes are forbidden.
A plant-based diet also makes it possible to include apples and dairy products in the menu. Yogurt, cottage cheese, kefir and milk can be on the table twice a week. If the feeling of hunger cannot be satisfied with vegetable salads alone, they can be regularly supplemented with bread made from grain or rye flour.
You can also eat corn flakes and oatmeal from time to time. Make sure you are getting enough fluids. Not only can it be water, it can also be unsweetened tea.
Cucumber mono diet
It is not recommended to stick to the cucumber mono diet for more than 3 days. The main food is cucumber, and vegetables, onions, tomatoes, eggs, apples, and bread can be eaten as additional ingredients. Cucumber salads are allowed to be seasoned with vegetable oil.
Thanks to the cucumber diet, it is possible not only to lose 1-3 kg, but also to clean up the skin. A good option for the main course is a cucumber, herb, and onion salad with a vegetable oil dressing. You can prepare it yourself in advance, divide it into several servings, and use it throughout the day.
The daily ration should look like this:
- In the morning from 9 a. m. to 10 a. m. : part of the main course and a boiled egg.
- Lunch from 1pm to 2pm: a portion of salad and a slice of bread.
- Afternoon snack from 4pm to 5pm: a portion of salad and an orange.
- Dinner from 7 p. m. to 8 p. m. : a serving of cucumber salad, which can be supplemented with a tomato.
- Before a night's sleep, you can satisfy your hunger with an apple.
Contraindications to the cucumber mono diet:
- Urolithiasis disease.
- Liver and kidney diseases.
- Chronic diseases of the digestive system.
- Active sports and vigorous physical activity. This ban is due to the fact that cucumbers cannot meet the body's increased need for carbohydrates and proteins.
Cabbage mono diet
One of the options for a vegetable diet is the cabbage mono diet. The calorie content of this product is extremely low.
So for 100 g of different types of cabbage there is:
- White-headed - 27 kcal.
- Cauliflower - 32 kcal
- Broccoli - 34 kcal.
- Brussels - 44 kcal.
- Kohlrabi - 42 kcal.
- Dried seaweed - 55 kcal.
The basis of the diet is cabbage. The most harmless mono-diet option is to eat raw, steamed, or sauerkraut supplemented with other foods such as vegetables, eggs, and a small amount of low-fat meat.
Hard diet options include cabbage kefir, cabbage and curd, and cabbage and potato weight loss methods. At the same time, all other products are forbidden to eat. It should be noted that the duration of a hard charcoal diet should not exceed 3 days, as the diet is unbalanced and puts the body in a state of stress.
One of the most effective varieties of the cabbage diet is sauerkraut weight loss. The calorie content of this product is extremely low. 100 g sauerkraut contain approx. 19 kcal. The daily energy intake is approx. 1000 kcal. Of course, you can shed impressive fat reserves in a short period of time with such a diet, but it is difficult to maintain.
The cabbage diet has a number of contraindications, including:
- Pregnancy and breast feeding period.
- Childhood.
- Digestive system diseases.
- Acid gastritis.
- Allergy to the product.
- Acute infections.
- Anemia.
- Diabetes mellitus.
- The likelihood of bowel cramps.
Potato Mono Diet
Experts recommend sticking to a potato diet from August through January. During this time, young tubers contain little starch, but many vitamins and minerals. The longer they are stored, the less effective the diet will be. The duration of the potato diet should not exceed 9 days. During this time, you can lose 4 to 8 kg of excess weight.
The menu should look like this:
- Only baked potatoes should be eaten for the first three days. The daily requirement is 1. 5 kg. It is forbidden to add oil or spices to the dish. Drink at least 8 glasses of water every day.
- They eat boiled potatoes for the next three days. You need to cook the tubers without removing the peel. The daily norm for vegetables is 1. 5 kg. At this time it is allowed to add olive oil, salt and herbs to the bowl.
- In the last three days, you need to steam or bake the potatoes. The daily supply of vegetables is also 1. 5 kg. It is allowed to add salt to the bowl, add olive oil and herbs.
Potato mono diet is contraindicated in the following cases:
- Chronic liver and kidney disease.
- Heart disease.
- Diabetes mellitus.
- Age under 20 years.
Apple mono diet
The apple mono diet refers to tough weight loss methods and has several options. In each of them, only a certain amount of fruit is allowed to be eaten.
The apple diet can last 1-6 days:
- With a diet of 2-3 days, only raw apples are eaten. Make sure you drink water, herbal tea, or green tea. During this time 3 kg can be lost.
- The one-day diet includes eating 1. 5 kg of fresh apples. You can only drink water. During this time you can lose 2 kg of excess weight.
- The 6 day diet also includes eating apples only. In addition to water, you can also drink green tea.
The apple mono diet has the following contraindications:
- Digestive system diseases: gastritis, colitis, gastric ulcer.
- Aversion to apples. Nutritionists firmly believe that if they don't like the product that a person has chosen to lose weight, they will not be able to lose weight. To lose weight on the apple mono diet, you must love these fruits.
- Pregnancy.
- Kidney disease.
- Exhaustion.
Protein mono diet
The protein mono diet is designed for 10 days. It's about eating only protein foods. During this time, the body receives fewer carbohydrates and begins to draw energy from its own fat stores. Therefore, in 10 days it is possible to lose 5-8 kg of excess weight.
The menu should be based solely on natural protein sources. You can eat low-fat meat (beef, poultry, game, rabbit, veal), low-fat fish (hake, pollock, cod, navaga, blue whiting, etc. ), all seafood and eggs. You can alternate the diet with canned meat and fish, but you should only choose those prepared in their own juice.
The protein diet has the following contraindications:
- Older age. This is due to the fact that protein foods promote the consumption of calcium, and also thicken the blood, which increases the risk of vascular blood clots forming.
- Liver and kidney diseases.
- Digestive system disorders including pancreatitis and dysbiosis.
- Gout.
- Pregnancy and breast feeding period.
Quark mono diet
The cottage cheese diet should be followed for 3 days, but no more. At this point, you can only eat cottage cheese, which will divide its entire volume into 6 servings. Make sure you drink enough water or tea without sugar. The total volume of liquid you drink should be 2 liters. Drink water half an hour before meals or 2. 5 hours after your next meal.
The cottage cheese diet has a number of contraindications, including:
- Kidney and liver diseases with a chronic course.
- Anemia.
- Exhaustion.
- Allergy.
- Individual intolerance to the product.
- Teenage years.
- Pregnancy and breast feeding period.
Oat mono diet
Oatmeal mono diet is not only a way to lose weight but also a great opportunity to improve your own health. Cooked cereals have an enveloping effect, which makes it possible to use it in diseases of the intestines and stomach.
The main course of the mono diet is oatmeal boiled in water. This diet can be followed for 5-10 days. During this time 2 to 4 kg can be lost. In addition to porridge, you can drink oatmeal jelly and green tea.
Alternatively, you can prepare yourself a dish called a "beauty salad". You need to take a liter jar, pour 6 tablespoons of oatmeal, add half an apple cut into small pieces, a little raisins and walnuts. The resulting mixture is poured with kefir or low-fat fermented baking milk until the glass is filled to the brim, and then mixed thoroughly. They insist on this "salad" all night. The resulting volume is divided equally and consumed the next day.
The oatmeal diet has the following contraindications:
- High blood pressure.
- Carrying and breastfeeding a baby.
- Digestive system diseases.
- Diabetes mellitus.
- Heart failure as well as other diseases of the heart and blood vessels.
- Kidney failure
- Age under 18 years.
- Heavy physical activity.
Fish mono diet
The fish mono diet is suitable for almost everyone. This product is an excellent source not only of minerals and trace elements, but also of valuable amino acids. During the diet, fish can be cooked in different ways: grilling, boiling, boiling, steaming, baking. You should not salt or season the fish with other spices, just sprinkle with lemon juice.
The diet should not last more than 3 days. During this time you can lose about 4 kg of excess weight.
Contraindications to the fish mono diet are as follows:
- Pregnancy and breast feeding period.
- Liver disease.
- Stomach ulcer.
Buckwheat mono diet
Buckwheat mono diet is good in that it does not induce painful feelings of hunger. Grits saturate the body for a long time, so you want to eat less. In addition, buckwheat has undeniable advantages, since it contains a large amount of micro and macro elements, helps to bring blood sugar back to normal, restore the intestinal flora and cleanse it of toxins.
To get the maximum benefit from buckwheat, you need to cook it properly. To do this, the grain is washed, poured with boiling water and insisted for 12 hours. After this time, the dish is ready to be eaten. The maximum duration of the buckwheat mono diet is 2 weeks. During this time, up to 10 kg of excess weight can be lost.
The buckwheat diet has only 2 contraindications:
- Pregnancy.
- Gastritis.
Berry mono diets
- Raspberry Mono Diet. . . There are many diet options that use raspberries. It can be consumed in its pure form or you can make smoothies, cocktails, fruit drinks and juices from it. All of these dishes retain the benefits of the berry. With raspberry, you can remove heavy metal salts from the body and reduce the level of cholesterol in the blood. During the diet, you can eat raspberries and a small amount of vegetables.
- Strawberry Mono Diet. . . The strawberry diet lasts 4 days. During this time, you can lose up to 3 kg of excess weight. Strawberries are low in calories and can also have a mild laxative effect on the intestines. People who are allergic to the Strawberry Mono Diet should be avoided. During the day, you need to eat 1 kg of fresh berries and divide this volume into 5 servings.
- Cherry mono diet. . . In the cherry mono diet, only cherries are eaten in an amount of 1. 5 to 2 kg per day. Make sure you drink enough clean, gas-free water. The entire volume of the cherry should be divided into 6 servings and eaten throughout the day. The cherry mono diet can not last more than 3 days, so you can transfer it without harming the body.
- Banana Mono Diet. . . The banana diet is considered to be one of the strictest. It is designed to last for 5 days, but few people manage to hold out to the end. In addition to the fact that during this period it will be possible to lose up to 5 kg of excess weight with the help of a banana diet, it will cleanse the intestines and reduce the size of the stomach. In addition to bananas, milk is also allowed during the diet. During the day you need to eat 3 bananas and drink 3 glasses of milk, dividing this amount of food into 4-6 meals. You can combine these foods or eat them separately. If the feeling of hunger persists, you can increase the amount of bananas you eat and the amount of milk you drink.
- Watermelon Mono Diet. . . The watermelon mono diet is designed for 5 days. During this time, up to 3 kg of excess weight can be lost. For every 10 kg of weight you need to eat 1 kg of watermelon pulp per day. It is forbidden to include other products in the diet. It is imperative to drink clean water. In addition, 2 cups of green tea can be drunk daily without added sugar. Watermelon has a diuretic effect that allows you to get rid of excess water in the body and remove toxins. The effects can be felt after a day of such a diet.
Berry diets have the following contraindications:
- Gastric ulcer, gastritis.
- Hepatitis.
- Thrombophlebitis.
- The presence of a chronic disease in a stage of exacerbation.
- Pregnancy and breast feeding period.
- Older age.
- Heart disease.
- Pancreatitis
- Exhaustion of the body.
- Anemia.
- Diseases of the genitourinary system.