A large number of women around the world are concerned about finding an effective method for rapid weight loss for themselves. The concept of the super diet is gaining more and more popularity - different ways to lose weight effectively and quickly. Is it possible to lose weight in a short time, get a slim silhouette, what diet is suitable for this, is it safe for health and what foods should you pay attention to when deciding on express weight loss?
what is a super diet
What are the main characteristics of "extreme" weight loss, what are the main differences from a super diet for weight loss? On it you can lose about a kilogram a day. This result is achieved by fulfilling the following conditions:
- The daily intake of calories is 1000 kcal.
- Shared Eating - You need to eat in small portions every two to three hours.
- A diet consisting of a fat burning product - for diets lasting three to seven days.
- A diet of a variety of low-calorie foods - for diets that last longer than seven days.
great diets
Short-term mono-diets lasting three to seven days maximum will bring super-fast weight loss to a slimming woman. The three-day carrot mono diet is very popular – on a salad of grated carrots. The cabbage diet is designed for five days, the menu consists of low-calorie dishes from raw and boiled cabbage. A seven-day mono diet with brewed buckwheat is also a good option. With the help of these fat burning products, you can lose five to seven extra pounds in a very short time, depending on the individual characteristics of your body.
Super effective diet
In addition to short-term mono-diets, super-effective diets are used, that is, those that allow you to lose as many kilograms as possible. This is either a complex of mono-diets with various fat-burning foods, or the most diverse and at the same time low-calorie diet. You can lose up to 12 kg in ten to fifteen days. Do not forget that such a diet is stressful for your body. Be sure to go to a consultation with a specialist and lose weight under the supervision of a suitable doctor.

Super diet for effective fat burning
Ensuring effective fat burning is achieved through strict restriction of dietary carbohydrates. Therefore, a fat-burning diet for a week is a diet with a severely restricted or completely eliminated intake of fast carbohydrates. For example, a seven-day carrot mono diet. Carrots are a low-calorie food - to digest raw carrot dishes, the body needs more energy than they provide to the body.
Diet 15 kg per month
A long time - a month, so diet and nutrition for this period should be carefully and carefully selected. It is advisable to seek advice from a professional nutritionist. Menu based:
- vegetables, fruits, fresh herbs;
- Dairy products, hard cheese, eggs, milk;
- chicken, fish, beef;
- Grains (cereals) and legumes, yeast-free bread;
- Dried fruits (prunes, dried apricots), berries, freshly squeezed juices.
A super diet for a month involves cooking simple dishes from three to four natural ingredients with a minimum heat treatment time (for example, you can bake potatoes instead of boiling them). The addition of salt, sugar, spices and oil is excluded. You need to eat in small portions at least six times a day. Be sure to avoid carbonated sugary drinks, alcohol, fried and smoked foods. The basis of the diet are vegetable salads, cottage cheese and yogurt, cereals.
The best diets to lose 10 kg
There are several ways to lose up to ten kilograms of excess weight in a relatively short time. The best diets to lose weight in a week:
- Kefir;
- on steamed buckwheat;
- cabbage;
- Director;
- on oatmeal;
- Chinese Salt Free;
- exemplary nutrition.
The main rules of all these methods of losing weight, compliance with which will give the planned result, are:
- Fluid intake in the amount of 2-2. 5 liters per day.
- The most common meals.
- The last dose is at least three to four hours before bedtime.
- Lead an active lifestyle.

Buckwheat diet effective for 7 days
A relatively easy way to lose weight fast is the 7-day buckwheat diet for fast weight loss. Its advantages include the following points:
- If you do not boil buckwheat, but steam it, then the calorie content of 100 g of this product will not be more than 100 kcal. This means that you can eat the buckwheat prepared in this way in almost any quantity and not feel hungry.
- The process of active fat burning when losing weight with buckwheat begins approximately on the third day, that is, on the seventh day of the diet you will see impressive results.
- Buckwheat can be steamed both on water and on kefir.
How to cook stewed buckwheat:
- Sort and rinse muesli.
- Pour boiling water, cold water or kefir in a ratio of one (buckwheat) to two (liquid); for kefir - one to one.
- Leave overnight at room temperature.
By seven-day weight loss with buckwheat, you can lose up to seven kilograms. You should leave it one at a time, incorporating morning and evening foods like an egg or low-fat ham for breakfast, tomato salad, and chicken broth for dinner. If sticking to this diet becomes particularly difficult, you can eat a teaspoon of honey or drink a glass of honey water to replenish glucose levels.
Cabbage diet for weight loss
Getting rid of eight extra pounds in ten days will help the cabbage diet. Meanwhile, you can eat any type of cabbage - Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, kohlrabi and white cabbage. There are ways to lose weight on sauerkraut. Salt and sugar are completely excluded from the diet, eggs, lean meat, fruits and other vegetables are acceptable. Vegetable salads and mashed cabbage soups are definitely on the menu. Drink plenty of fluids and keep an eye on your condition. Use this Fat Burning Cauliflower Soup Recipe:
- cauliflower - 400 g;
- white cabbage - 300 g;
- Celery sticks - 7 pcs. ;
- carrots - 2 pcs. ;
- onion - 1 pc. ;
- Lemon juice - 15 g.
cooking method:
- Divide the cauliflower into florets.
- Wash vegetables, finely chop cabbage, onions, carrots and celery.
- Put everything in a saucepan with a thick bottom, cook the vegetables until soft.
- Add lemon juice, beat everything with a mixer.

Super Dietlesenka
The well-knownlesenka diet will help you lose eight kilograms in just five days. The diet for days to lose weight on cabbage looks like this:
- The first day - 1 kilogram of apples.
- The second day - 1 liter of kefir and 500 g of low-fat cottage cheese.
- The third day - 300 grams of raisins, 2 tablespoons of honey, dried fruit compote without sugar.
- Fourth day - 500 g of boiled poultry fillet.
- Fifth day - 200 g of oatmeal boiled in water, any fruit except bananas and grapes.
Kefir diet 10 days 10 kg
Highly effective kefir diet for weight loss. The basis of the diet is kefir, one and a half liters per day, fat content - no more than 2. 5%. One day out of ten, preferably on weekends, should be unloaded, that is, there is nothing. On the remaining days, low-fat cottage cheese is alternately added to the diet - 400 g, boiled poultry fillet - 500 g, fruits (except for bananas, grapes and melons) - 500 g, fresh vegetables: cucumbers, cabbage, carrots - 500 g With the help of thismenus you can lose up to 10 kg in ten days.
Chinese salt-free diet
Eliminating salt from your diet completely has given its name to another popular weight loss method. If a salt-free diet is designed for two weeks, you will lose eight to ten kilograms. Menu based:
- The lightest breakfast is black unsweetened coffee/green tea with a slice of whole grain bread.
- Lunch - a salad of fresh vegetables (carrot, white cabbage).
- Dinner - boiled chicken fillet / beef / steamed fish.
All fruits, freshly squeezed fruit and vegetable juices are acceptable. Sugar, flour and muesli dishes, smoked and fried dishes are completely excluded. It is possible to use small amounts of dried fruit and honey. The maximum amount of water that is drunk per day is two liters. The diet is extreme due to the low content of carbohydrates in the consumed products, so carefully monitor your condition.

Extreme weight loss can be harmful to your health as it requires a strict diet. Remember this and do not start any diet without consulting a specialist and examining the state of all systems of your body. Diet contraindications:
- chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, kidneys, liver;
- printing problems;
- diseases of the nervous system;
- all hormonal disorders and failures.
The express diet is a serious burden even for an absolutely healthy organism. Remember, do not forget to drink the required amount of liquid, and if there is a sharp deterioration in well-being, immediately consult a doctor. You should not get carried away with diets, it is better to balance your daily diet with the help of a nutritionist and start monitoring your daily routine and lifestyle.